Deadfriends Fan #1

I feel like I’m trapped in my relationship. I love him but sometimes I just want to leave and start over with someone new. It makes me feel bad.

Yeah feeling stuck in this and not knowing if this relationship is the healthiest thing in your life when you love this person and be really rough.

I was in a relationship once and I had to sit and really think if i really liked this person and was their life style good for me. She turned out not to be a good fit for me. Was i really loving this person or was I in it just because.

I felt stuck and then I reached out. I spoke to my best friend and asked what do you think about my relationship and they were honest with me. I needed a outside view of what someone else say. Hearing someones opinion that is close to you can really help. Hey there is hope and there is always a way to find help. You are loved.

Hold Fast
Morgan Vincent Hochstetler
HS Intern