Dealing with a family situation

hi!! lots of things have been happening recently, not really any of them that good but… there’s been one thing that has been dragging on for months at this point, and i’m not quite sure what to do.

for a little bit of background information and context; my mom has gone no contact with her parents years ago. maybe like 10 or more. but then her father died last year, and it’s been kind of a shitshow since? she didn’t really want anything to do with the whole thing, but ended up doing more than her brother did, who was and still is in contact with their parents (well, only their mother now).
and her brother, my uncle, also doesn’t understand why my mother cut off the contact, and keeps telling her to take care of her mother, because it would make her “happy”.

anyway, so. the thing i want to talk about it something else though. psychosis runs in my mothers family, and while she doesn’t suffer from it (though she is unusually paranoid at times), her mother does and so does my uncle, which is also what this post is mainly going to be about.

i don’t know what exactly my uncle suffers from, but it’s very clear that there’s something. he’s constantly going on about conspiracy theories, how everything is evil, etc.
he used to show up at our house every night at 7 or 8pm, just to complain and vent to my parents and refused to listen to anything my parents tried to tell him.
he’s also constantly sending odd messages to my parents (he doesn’t have my number, i’m sure that if he did, i would get them too), that just make no sense and are just words put together in a jumbled mess.

yesterday my mom showed me a text he sent her, something about making an appointment because the sun is going down soon? but he didn’t say anything about who or where, or even why, and it was just written so strangely.

i’m pretty concerned for my uncle’s well being, though my parents seem to kinda just be annoyed and not that concerned.
but the part that honestly worries me the most is that my uncle has a son. he just turned 15 a few days ago, and i just can’t help but be worried for his well being and safety.
i’ve dealt with a lot of shit from my mom, to the point i very nearly tried to kill myself, and my uncle is like a worse version of her.
i’m not close with my cousin by all means, and we don’t have many things in common, but i used to tutor him in english last year once a week. my uncle has gotten paranoid about that now too, or something, so it’s not happening anymore.

and i don’t think my parents really get it here either, both of them didn’t understand why my cousin isn’t seeking help, to which i had to explain to them that he’s probably also scared, since it’s either living with my uncle or his bio mom and she’s even more unfit to take care of him. not to mention that i doubt my uncle would even let him seek any help, whether that be a form of counselling or tutoring again.

if anyone has any advice on how i, or my parents, could deal with this situation i’d be really appreciative, but i’m not sure there’s anything i could really do or that we haven’t tried yet.


Hi. Welcome to Heart Support thanks for opening up your story you put here. I see that you are very worried about your mothersid of family. For the psychosis i am going to refer you to this article which may help as well as psychosis can be found through genetics as well likely on your mother side.

Also, With your Uncle you could try asking if he needed help. Opening up your feelings is also a option and ending yourself is never the best solution over this issue we all struggle and even families do too. You’re not alone. Maybe your uncle will accept the help if you just sat down and talk about how you feel this works for all your family members. You could also try books about helping and healing with family. There are plenty of options.

  • Kyle

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