Dealing with my SO's situation

An update from the previous post I made. Currently, my SO is being held in a juvenile center of sorts and their family is currently dealing with immense pain. While spreading the awareness to their loved ones. I started getting depressed before they were arrested and I need help on how to deal with this complicated matter. I’ve been unable to focus on what I need to do and, I’ve been trying my best to be distracted from it too. So I can have a clear mind to set off. Sadly, I’ve been dealing with the immense pain of my SO being taken away because of what her parents have said. I’ve heard she falsified her reports, and her claims were said false. I need some advice on how to deal with this matter. Anything! Or something that helps in the long run because my heart is heavy and I think I’m going to undergoing through a lot of stress. I don’t want to end the school year like this. Any advice and meaningful messages will be accepted.


Hey there friend.

Sorry to hear about this situation and how heartbroken you feel.

It is hard to feel motivated to do anything with a heavy heart, but I encourage you to find something to take your mind off of the situation, even if it’s a short time everyday. Find a way to decompress, try meditating. Try going on a walk or a jog to get your mind off of it. Remember you have to take care of yourself as well, and anything to help alleviate small amounts of stress here and there will help in the long run. Sometimes, once you clear your mind and find focus in something else, you find the answer to your problems.

Or try journaling. Sit down and just start writing down how you feel. Sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings and letting yourself talk about it and be vulnerable about it helps you process the emotions and the situation.

I hope that helps even a little. I’m sorry that you’re hurting, but you’re not alone. We love you here.


From: SuchBlue

Hi Lonewolf1997,

I’m sorry that this situation has led you in so many of these negative thoughts. I don’t think that it is your responsibility to make an opinion about the situation (unless you’re a professional, of course). I know that we tend to make an opinion anyway because it feels like we have to, but you really don’t. There are so many things in life that we cannot control and we just have to live with that. My advice is to just explore ways to cope and make your mind rest and have a time where you can just relax.

We love you and support you. thank you for posting :hrtlegolove:


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hey Friend, Thank you for your post, I can see you are in a tough spot there and its giving you a rough time mentally and that is not good. As you have specifically asked for advice on this even though you care deeply for this person there is nothing you can do right now about the situation so you would do better to let them know you are there but take a step back and care for your own mental well being and hopefully by the time it is sorted and you SO is sorted out legally you will have sorted out your school work and gotten yourself back on an even keel. I keep hearing a saying around here. “you cant pour from an empty cup” maybe its time to refill your cup friend and allow others to refill theirs. I wish you all the very best of luck. Much Love Lisa xx


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello there, Lonewolf :hrtlegolove:

I can understand the stress and concern you are feeling for your SO and their situation. It shows how much you care about her and that is wonderful. I think that the best thing you can do is to leave the situation alone. It doesn’t sound like it concerns you directly and involving yourself may only serve to make your own mental health worse. I’m not saying not to be there for her I’m just saying that you cannot do anything for her regarding what is happening.

I think that you should focus on yourself and finishing off your school year strong. I’m guessing you have finals coming up and you do not need to add her stress to your own. Deal with your own stress and mental health so that you can better be there for your SO when she is able to be a part of your life again and for when whatever is happening with her gets worked out by the courts and police.

You have a big heart. I wish you luck with finishing off your school year and with all of the stress that is happening in your life right now. Stay strong :hrtlegolove:


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