December is coming

To be honest with you, I want to skip December. It is the hardest month of my life. Things happened in my personal life during December. It took me almost 10 years to figure out. I’m afraid the same events will happen again or something worse would. Am I going to repeat the same mistakes again? Will something good happen? Does God has something better in mind? Prayers are welcome.

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I will be praying for you



Thank you. :slight_smile:

Hey @AVJR,

I just wanted to send my love and let you know that you are truly not alone. I’ll be praying for you as well, my friend. As I get older, I am becoming more and more aware of how the “holiday season” is a hard and painful time for many- whether it’s in memories or in the present moment. The HeartSupport community stands with you, and I hope and pray that you will find peace and contentment this month, no matter what does, or doesn’t, happen.

With love,



Thank you. I hope you are staying safe. Goodnight.

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