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Hi Kayla, thanks for reaching out.

You should definitely tell your parents about this. The most important thing is staying safe. I wouldn’t block him right now, he would get mad and no one knows how he could react.
Tell your parents, inform the authorities if needed, but most importantly DO NOT MEET HIM. I’ve seen this situation before and he will just do the same thing as before.

Stay safe, and please keep us updated.

pioggia :sunflower:

Hi Kayla,
I agree, tell your parents and/or authorities.
Please don’t believe the lie that the only way out is if you’re not alive. That is 100% NOT TRUE. There is a grand purpose for your life. I’m sorry that all this has happened. But great light comes from great darkness, but the light will always shine brighter. Its amazing that you reached out. its a hard thing to do sometimes, but much respect to you. Personally, when i feel i’m been held down, in chains, or just that feeling that i can’t escape something. I give it over to God. When i do that theres almost like this weight lifted off my shoulders. Theres a freedom in knowing He will take care of it. No matter how bad it may be.
Stay strong my friend, you’re doing great :slight_smile:

Oh dear Kayla, reading this breaks my heart, and it reminds me so much of me in some sense it’s sickening! My friend he is manipulating him in attempt to control you. My ex threatened to come find me and kill me multiple times, he said he was going to hurt me if i told anyone etc. But you my dear friend, you’re okay. We love you and I need you to stay strong and be safe! You need to block him. Believe me when I say that this is so much easier said then done, but I also know that it’s so necessary, and it will in the end with LOTS of time it will bring you peace.

Blocking my ex was one of the hardest thing I ever did. It took people telling me over and over again, me not listening, me being hurt over and over again to finally realize that was what is best. Like you said if you didn’t give him your address you are fine. Unfortunately my ex did have my address and I was 100% concerned for my safety. If you are super concerned and you don’t feel safe don’t be afraid to tell your parents, or contact your local authorities with screenshots of what he said. We love you Kayla!

Hold Fast, You’re Worth It,

Kayla I suggest getting a dog. To protect you from M. It doesn’t matter if the dog is a therapy dog (classified) because those dogs are allowed anywhere just about. It will help you with your anxiety plus protect you from M.

You need to take action. Besides getting a dog. M is trying to control you to become his slave. He wants you helpless and at his whim. He is a dangerous person & should be in jail. Don’t keep quiet.
He is afraid you speak and knows he will reap punishment from society for being scum.
So don’t yet Keep Safe. IDK if you’re in the states, let alone PA. Here in PA we have an agency that deal with this stuff. I think you’re one. It is called The Alice Paul house. They’ll help you with this kind of situation. An agency similar to Alice Paul house is exactly what you need to help you out.
Don’t let M control you, don’t keep quiet & keep safe. (You won’t keep safe if you’re quiet especially if you are in contact with M.)