Diamond smile

After spending a week out in nature down at my brothers my life is improving so much. I haven’t smiled this big in weeks and I finally feel like my life is finally coming together the way I wanted. I’ve been taught some valuable lessons by my brother that brought me to realize self care and self worth are important in everyday life. Finding worth in yourself is important and also affects on you take care of yourself in the long run. I’ve meditating every night and every morning to help me stay in balance with my chakras. I also took naps outside on the trampoline as much as I could to be out in the sun and enjoy the nature sounds around me.


That’s awesome! Yea, when I’m in nature I feel at peace as well. I think being around more trees and oxygen makes your head more clear and less chaotic, but then again not all people like nature. I love it though! I wish I was in your shoes, I went out to a family home a couple months ago out in the good country and it was beautiful. Literally just laying on the grass with a random wild barn cat I just met cuddling up next to me knocked me out to sleep- until my fam was like “get off the ground you’re getting dirty”. It’s so peaceful out in the greenery, plants and animals are the symbols of peace.

I’m glad you’re learning self worth, I am also trying to understand it myself, because I’m always more focused on seeing someone else’s side of life and understanding them. When you learn it you learn you can’t always let those people affect you. Which I also still struggle with lol. I’m glad you’re finding yourself. Take your time to remember your moments there with your brother, and cherish them for as long as possible so you don’t forget.

I’m glad you’re at peace with yourself, hold your family close ^~^



Aww, this is absolutely priceless, @RickyP. This incredible feeling of peace while listening to the sounds of nature and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. You are initiating and cultivating some essential practices for your heart and soul. And your brother shared some precious reminders too - what an amazing human being and ally.

I hope you are proud of yourself as much as this community is proud of you right now. Enjoy the silence, enjoy the stillness, embrace this beautiful inner life of yours. You deserve it. :hrtlegolove:

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Now I want a cat nap with a barn cat


Yeeeessss :laughing: so soft and cuddly x3

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Yay you!!! Sounds like an amazing time. Being outside always brings me joy and when it’s warm out… even better. So happy for you!!

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From: ManekiNeko

I hope you’re keeping well and still enjoying the little things in nature! This post made me smile so much.

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