Divorce , alienating

Been divorced about 6 years and my ex wife continues to take me to court . It’s her way or we go to court. She continues to lie and try to take my rights away from me and alienate me from my kids and even try to brainwash my kids . Its been a hard 6 years


I’m starting to think I made a mistake joining this . Is my post not important enough ? Just like I deleted my social media because no one cares forget I even posted I’ll just deal with issues myself alone like I have been

Hey Joe,
Im sorry its taking a while for a response to be made on your post however its currently night time in the US and responses are less frequent around this time. Please remember that people are not forced to respond so if your post takes a little while to respond to posts then please be patient. A response will come to you, you just have to wait for it.

  • Yummerz

Ok well with a response like that this is a mistake I thought this was a support group not someone trying to make me feel guilty instead of talking to me when I needed someone to talk to .

Hey @Joegrizzly,

No one is trying to make you feel guilty. Your post isn’t less important because it didn’t receive a response yet. It’s only a matter of time, for reasons explained by Justin. This is a community made of people who try to encourage each other as they can, on a voluntary basis. We need to collectively give ourselves some grace for this place to function. So we’re only asking you to be patient, that’s all. No topic is left without a response.

I’d have responded to you if I could, but unfortunately I’ve never been through a situation similar as yours, so I can only imagine what you’re going through, and my own perspective could be off-topic or innapropriate. I hope someone will relate to what you shared and provide you the listening hear that you need right now.

In the meantime, know that you are seen and heard.


Hey friend thank you so much for sharing. I’m sorry it has taken a little while for you to receive a response. It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain and have been for awhile. I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to have someone you used to love continuously assault your character and try to turn your kids against you. Not only have you lost this person that at one time you thought you would be with forever but to make matters worse she is trying to make you lose your kids as well, which I imagine feels like a turn of the knife.

I can’t even imagine how isolating and painful it must feel to watch as your kids turn against you because of lies that are being spread about you. I imagine it feels so helpless because it’s your word against hers.

I have never been through a situation like this so I’m not sure what the best course of action is but I see your pain and your struggle and I hope that you are able to find some peace soon. Something that might help if possible is talking to a therapist. Whenever I have gone through difficult situations therapy has been my safe place to process. I also encourage you to find other outlets. For me it’s working out and making music. What spaces are there in your life that you can use to find some relief from the painful circumstances.

I also encourage you to remember that the truth almost always comes out, so even though your kids might not see it yet, I truly believe that they will someday see the truth and see how much you love and care for them. I hope this helps.

Sending love,


Taylorpalmby thanks for responding in a way I thought a response would be by the way I got the idea of what this site was sold on me checking out. I wasn’t looking for how many replies I could get I even said to talk to someone in my comment. I have tried many things like you said from counselors to life coaches its hard that way because I don’t always have the money to do so. I also work out and go hiking . The hardest issue is when someone works so hard to destroy you on a daily basis. And your so called friends that you would be for in a heartbeat disappear I have been apart of other groups through social media I stopped social media accounts because most people turn out to be self centered and only care about them even friends you have had for years . So I turned to here from a band I listen to that said to their fans to check out if you’re going through whatever thanks

Hey @Joegrizzly . @taylor dedicated a song to you on our live stream!

Hold fast.


Kayla and Taylorpalmby thank thank for that you didn’t have to do that but its very much appreciated . You are awesome and very talented . That made my day thank you again !


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