Divorced at 34 diagnosed adhd at 36 laid off this

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Belongs to: Therapist want to be Happy. By NF
Divorced at 34, Diagnosed ADHD at 36, laid off this month at 37… I’ve always thought “I just want to be happy” and I’ve never known what that even means.

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Hi friend,

Having to go through so many changes one after the other is challenging, and I am sending you lots of love as you navigate through things. If you ever need a place to talk, we are always here for that. As for wanting to be happy, I am not sure there is a universal solution to figuring that one out. All I can say is that what has helped me is taking things day by day. Am I filling up my days with what I want to do? Is what I am currently doing bringing me joy? I find that focusing on shorter periods is much more manageable, and it is those small moments that add up to something meaningful. As long as you are being gentle with yourself, and trying your best, I don’t doubt that you will work everything out <3 I believe in you, and will be here to listen if ever you feel the need!

Hey there!

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with is here, we appreciate it so much!

I am so sorry you are going through this tough time in life, please know you don’t deserve this pain, you don’t deserve what has happened.

Although I have not been through a divorce myself, I have had some relation with it in regards to my parents a little while back. Divorce is such a stressful thing… it’s hard to accept when it is needed or wanted by someone in the relationship. I can relate to an extent to knowing how hard it is to come to that conclusion, as I have tried to at some points in my life. The pain is something like none other. The anxiety, the confusion, the asking if this is what is needed over and over in your head, the regret, the fear of what is to come next… that stuff is so tiring, and so hard to get through alone. Please know we are here for you, we are here to listen, here to be a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear.

A diagnosis like ADHD at later in life has gotta be hard to cope with. I have been talking with my therapist about being tested for ADHD and Autism, as I have the symptoms relating to them. Learning that you are dealing with something, that you may have been dealing with your whole life, has go to be frustrating to an extent… wishing you knew sooner, why did no one know sooner, I get those thoughts at times when I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at 17, dealing with it since I was a young child- especially with the anxiety. I asked myself how did no one pick it up? How did no one get what I was struggling with up until now? It’s a lot… I am hoping you can find some solace in this diagnosis though, for me it was nice to know that there was a name for what I was struggling with, and that I was not the only one struggling with it. It made me feel heard and understood, it gave me answers as to why I was the way I was for so long.

Right now is such a tough time with jobs… I am so sorry my friend, Please know you are worthy of a good job, please know there is so much out there, there are so many more pathways for you, and I promise you you will find another job, Just be yourself, and do the best you can, that is all anyone can ask of you. I remind myself of this constantly, and I find it to be somewhat helpful in pressing times.

“I just want to be happy…” I feel that SO MUCH. Depression sucks, being sad sucks, it is so so hard and I am so sorry this is a battle you are fighting as well. Things get better, with time and work I promise you things get better. There is happiness, and you are worthy of it. You are worthy of greatness my friend,

Please take it easy, take it slow. We are always here for you no matter what… you are not alone in these struggles, we stand with you.

Much love,