Do i quit toxic game or not?

I play this toxic game which I enjoy playing buit at times it angers/ depresses me due to toxic players as well as progress being lost due to awful ranking sysyem. Yesterday I was hoping was my final straw and I uninstalled the game.

However, an old friend of mine has reconnected with me and wanted to play that game with me and I did say I could help him but this was before my uninstalling.

So now idk iif i should reinstall to play with him or do what.


You’re mental health is more important in my opinion and I think uninstalling the game was the right thing to do. Unless this game is your source of income, you don’t have to play it. A video game is NOT worth sacrificing your mental health over. Tell your friend why you uninstalled it and that it wasn’t healthy for you. You can hang out and reconnect doing other things. If they don’t respect that, then I would be questioning the friendship.

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Hi who
I have had my share of toxic games and gamers
and I try to avoid them. It is hardly ever worth it. Games are supposed to be fun and sometimes the toxic comunities make a fun game into a not fun at all slog. If I were you I would try out a different game with your friend.


Hey there @who,

In my opinion, the answer is in your question. Whenever you identify an environment as being “toxic” to you or the people you love, it’s better to simply stay away from it. You’ve acknowledged how this game makes you feel and the reasons behind, which is definitely something to listen to. Many games imply a certain amount of commitment, but it’s important to not lose sight of the fact that games are made to have a good time, not to become a chore or to affect us negatively. So in that sense: well done for uninstalling the game. You’ve done something good for yourself.

The fact that your friend wants to play that game with you is a new element, but it doesn’t have to change your decision either. If this friend wants to reconnect with you, it can be done through other means, and other games. There are so many games to try, whether it’s multi. or coop., and I’m sure that if you both look after something to try, you’ll manage to have together again some opportunities to have fun in a non-toxic environment.

I’d encourage you to simply explain to your friend that you’re not playing this game anymore and you don’t intend to, but you’d love to play or connect with them differently in times to come. If they’re mature enough, they’ll understand and respect your choice. :hrtlegolove:


From: @Zephirah (Discord):

I am a little late to this topic but It caught my eye. Let me explain why. I play (and have played) warcraft for over 20 years. I am sure you can find the story on the web about the recent investigation and lawsuit. It is about sexual harassment in the workplace. I feel like in a workplace that should never happen, at all. However not all people who work at Activision or Blizzard has had there hands in things like this and they do have games I enjoy. As far as the ranking system, I know that a broken system like that can make the game not enjoyable for a player. Do you have ideas on how to make that better and have you suggested it to them? Is there another game you can play with your friend in the time being until you feel like you can play again? Do you even want to play the game again? No matter what your choice may be we will be here to support you. Thank you for your post and you are loved :heart: Zeph


thank you, i found an alternative game, tho my friend still wants to play overwatch but he will respect my choice


If you know it’s toxic for your mental health, don’t do it. I had to step away from call of duty for a bit because of how angry I would get and my anxiety would be through the roof. Tell your friend unfortunately you had to uninstall. You don’t even have to say the reason why. You could say you’re just bored with it. Do what’s best for you :black_heart:


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