Doc_Bizzle Fan #2

My family doesn’t care about me

From: primonesimus

Much love from the Doc Bizzle family!

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From: chanceatl

keep your head up! God bless you

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From: dragonbard

Family can not always be easy, but there are always friends out there even during the dark times. I know that no matter how bad your real family is, you can make your own friend family out there, make a fresh start and get out of the dark places. You can build your own family of friends too. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Best of blessings and stay safe out there. Never forget you can change your path even if they can not or will not change theirs.

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From: kkg8240

This world is going through unprecedented times. Social distancing along with not seeing all your family can make anyone feel isolated and exacerbate those feelings. Sorry you’re going through a rough time.

From: easy__rider

That stinks. Alot of people have felt that way in their life. Alot of times it wasn’t the case. You talk with them and let them know your feelings. Keeping it to yourself is not the best and feeling bad about it is even worse. Much love to you and I hope you feel better. ML&R.:heart:

Yeah, maybe they don’t, maybe in some hidden way they do. But no matter how alone you feel, you’re never alone.

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Invalidation can be some of the worst forms of pain, because then when you feel bad, you don’t even feel like you deserve to feel that way…it completely diminishes any type of dignity or humanity that you have with yourself…you feel like you are sub-human, like you aren’t worthy of feeling good or feeling loved, or … really feeling anything except trying to become what they say that you should become…it’s like you feel like your life is an inconvenience, you’re a burden, you’re someone that doesn’t deserve their time or support. Like you said, it totally pushes you to the outside – like somehow everyone else belongs, but not you. Kind of like a Cinderella without a fairy godmother or a happy ending.

I had felt invalidated from my family for years…probably in a different way, I just felt like there was nothing that I could ever do to be good enough for them to be proud of me or love me. That feeling haunted me for so much of my life, and I began to feel like I didn’t even deserve to love myself. I became my own worst critic because I didn’t want them to be the first ones to tell me, I wanted to tell myself so that when they did, I “already knew”. I thought that would protect me, but it just turned me into my own worst enemy. It’s taken years to fight back, to begin to turn the tides internally and begin to believe the truth about myself, that I do matter and am worthy of love and that “deserving” isn’t measured by what I do, but by the fact that I am.

And so I want to offer you some hope that the truth will set you free…the TRUTH about yourself is that you are deserving, you are loved, you are worthy. And it may take a journey to get to believing that about yourself, but it’s as true today as it will be when you discover it. You matter friend. Thank you for taking time to write in.


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Hey, I know a little of what you feel. My family and I don’t talk anymore. I just want you to know that you’re loved even if it doesn’t seem or look like it right now. YOU ARE LOVED :heart: :slight_smile:

Wow, thats exactly how I feel. I sit on the outside looking in now. Sometimes I get a few “scraps” of attention, then it’s taken away. My sisters don’t even ask or know why I am disabled. They think I’m making it up. I qualify for med marijanna card as well… Can’t make up a disability and get all that by faking. I have xrays to prove it and They still don’t care