Due to a surgery that went totally wrong like me w

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
Due to a surgery that went totally wrong like me waking up halfway through it,was on that slab for almost 11hrs. I spent over 24hrs screaming in pain till my voice gave out damaged my vocal cords and crawled into my brain to survive and during a shift change I reached out with the last of my strength the last gravel cords left begged for death. I totally get this song and gave birth to my ptsd which let the lid off of repressed memories. SOS SOS,SOS

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Hello friend!

It sounds like you endured unimaginable pain and trauma. It’s completely understandable that this experience triggered PTSD and brought up repressed memories. I would speak with a therapist that specializes in PTSD, psychiatrist and neurologist tbh if I were you. Mainly so that way you can cover all your bases and make sure you have that proper path to recovery.

Support groups can also be a great outlet as well. Connecting with others who have experienced medical trauma or PTSD can be incredibly validating. You can find online or in-person support groups specifically for medical trauma survivors. Healing from trauma takes time and there will be setbacks. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Hold fast, you’ve got this <3

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

That sounds so scary, I can’t imagine waking up during surgery. I would panic and be traumatized. Did you ever discuss the PTSD with a medical professional? I would recommend seeing a therapist that specialized PTSD, neurologist, and a psychiatrist. You should also see a radiologist to have a MRI scan of the brain & body. The radiologist can detect what something wrong with the function of the brain. I hope you are doing okay. PTSD is a rough battle but I believed someday the trauma may go away. It takes many years for people to heal from their past trauma. Remember to stay when things get difficult in life!

@@HeartSupport Oh im in therapy and have been for yrs,finally at a point im growing happy and healing.

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