End of my road

its been almost 2 years since i am having suicidal thoughts. i feel like no one would care if i am gone. im a failure, i failed as a daughter, sister and friend. i think that its time to go. no one in real life is here to support me. i am just thinking how bad my 2 friends will feel, my brother will prob never recover. i ve never been happy, never truly smiled, never felt love or affection. i just think its time to give up. i am so sorry. this is the end of the road i guess. ty heart support. :slightly_frowning_face:


Hey @bianka,

Thank you so much for being honest about how you feel. We live in a world where it can be very, very hard to be vulnerable, but you always have a safety net right here.

I care about you, friend. Really. I’ve felt how you feel too, and keep feeling that way sometimes. But I also know that, during those times of deep vulnerability, we need to slow down. It’s not that how we feel would be wrong, it’s just that we can be stuck with one perspective and unable to see others at the moment. Hope is not away, friend. It’s just really hard to see it right now. But being reminded that there is hope is why you are here, and it’s also why we are here, as a community.

Let’s talk, friend. You’re not alone. And if you don’t want to discuss here precisely, please reach out to a crisis line too. Reach out to your mom. Let her know how you feel - it’s okay. I want you to be safe and to give yourself the time you need to heal. You deserve to smile again. But to get there, this world, this life, need YOU. It would be ugly and worse without you. You matter. :hrtlegolove:

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Hi Bianka,

My kids and I read your post and made a few things to try to help you smile. We are thinking of and praying for you, and hope this brightens your day.

-Nate, Ellie, Ephraim, Ezra

PS — we would love to mail you the photos! DM me an address if I can send it to you :slight_smile:


Hey @NateTriesAgain !
i just woke up now and just finished watching the video you guys sent me. Your kids are just amazing.
I would LOVE to have the drawings but sadly i live in Europe…(i guess thats a huge problem haha)

Thank you again!


So glad you got to see it :slight_smile: I am pretty sure mail works in Europe last time I checked :wink: I’ll shoot you a DM. My kids are pumped you saw it and can’t wait to mail it to you. :heart:

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