EugeniaCooney Fan #323

I recently lost an amazing friendship with my bestest friend due to the fights we would have bc I would constantly overthink and be paranoid from the backstabbing I dealt with this year (long story), I tried apologizing but she had enough and we haven’t spoken for almost an entire month. I wanna get her back, and I have a plan on how but I also wanna wait a little while bc I have been too dependent on her and I wanna overcome that feeling but idk how bc the situation is stuck to my mind and it’s hard for me to make new friends. What should I do?

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Hey friend,

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. As much as it hurts, it might be better to let her go. From what it sounds like, you understand why she hasn’t talked to you. If you really are destined to stay friends, then it doesn’t hurt to reach out, but she might just need more time. In the meantime, try reaching out to new people Either way, you will always have friends here at HeartSupport.

hold fast


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