EugeniaCooney Fan #326

I need tips to how to stop being emotionally dependent on my best friend, I had trouble making decisions due to our friendship bc I was worried that a certain decision I’d make could make us drift apart, I have lost our friendship recently and I have been to dependent on her bc I’ve struggled with friendships all my life and when I met her I considered our friendship the solution to all my social problems. Before I try talking to her, I wanna overcome the feeling of being too emotionally dependent on her, but I don’t know how, does anyone kno?

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Gosh, that sucks so bad to feel like you were so happy about how it could be the solution to this major problem in your life, and then to feel like now it’s the cause of some major turmoil…to feel like this gift is flipping itself on its head, and that you are afraid to lose it now…to be afraid that you’re “too much”…that you’ll suffocate her with your need for her…it’s such a scary thing to feel like your heart is the very thing that needs to be protected and that you feel the need to protect others from…the double edged sword, the catch-22 of all this really sucks friend. I’m sorry you’re in that spot where you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I’ve been in that kind of a pinch many times in my own life and it’s no fun at all. You are not alone.

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It’s a tough spot you’re on. Growing distant to someone you’re so close is always hard. One thing that makes it harder is feeling like the connection to that person is what’s holding things together. One thing that helps is having more people you can make part of your life. I know it’s not as easy as it sounds when I say it, you said it yourself that it’s hard, but it’s exactly because it’s hard that it’s important to keep an open eye for people around you who can be good friends and you might not have realized yet. Another thing that helps is having a good relationship with yourself. That one’s not always easy either, but is worth your time too.

And Heart Support’s here so whatever happens, you won’t be alone.