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Belongs to: Therapist has a Lonely Day by System of Down
Every day for me…
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist has a Lonely Day by System of Down
Every day for me…
Hey friend. Thank you so much for posting. Though it was just 4 words, Im sure those words took a lot of courage to type. It probably took a lot to say something and I cant tell you how much I appreciate it.
Being lonely can be one of the hardest experiences that life has to offer. I personally believe that humans are social creatures and that we generally do not do well without some sort of social component to our lives.
But I also know that making friends, finding people, connecting, etc can be really hard for some. And Im sorry you have to go through that.
I imagine that after prolonged loneliness, it isnt even just loneliness anymore - I can imagine that turning into self loathing and frustration. I could imagine being angry with myself for not being better at making friends or talking or not being smarter etc etc. Blaming myself for the situation.
And that is so hard. It’s easy to tear yourself down all the way to your foundation.
You aren’t alone friend. This song resonated with my as much as a teenager as it does now. My heart goes out to you.
Feel free to post again, to keep up with us. To chat. To have a back and forth.
You deserve kindness in your life and deserve to share your life with others.
Hold fast