Every time i listen to this song i cry it s really

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
Every time I listen to this song I cry, it’s really hard to for me to listen to this song because my friend growing up abused me sexually while I was sleeping and I didn’t realize that until I was a teenager when I put things together.


hey friend, thanks for opening up about the sexual abuse your friend did to you. that is so tough and difficult to even come to the realization to. i’m so sorry you went through that. i hope your journey of healing has brought any amount of peace after this invasion of trust and that you’ve been able to care for your heart in the process. you are not alone. you are so loved and valued. hope you can do something kind for yourself soon, my friend.


This must have been such a hard thing to come to terms with at a later age, and realize that you cannot do anything about it at this point. However, I hope you are beginning to heal from this, and I hope that the healing process can help bring you some peace. I want you to remember that nothing that happened is your fault and that you are not alone. Make sure to remind yourself of this when you’re down. Keep your head up!

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Hey friend, I’m so sorry you were confronted to such a painful experience of abuse when you were young. No one should have ever hurt you, and it must have been so very painful to remember and realize what happened. I personally relate to this brutal moment when you become fully aware of the depth of what you’ve been through. After being abused repeatedly while growing up, the day I actually started to remember as a young adult felt like my entire world was collapsing. It is so hard when you start to remember after repressing memories for so long. I imagine how brutal it was for you to put things together as well. Somehow, it’s liberating and it makes sense of things that may not have had any good answer before. But it also feels like such a curse and horror to wake up too. The brutality of feeling betrayed in such a way by someone you trusted is hard to convey just into words. It must have been such a lonely time for you, and I feel for the tears you might have shed since then.

It’s hard to not feel like your mind would be playing tricks, to accept somehow the reality of what happened and to name it for what it was. To fight the denial that sneaks in when your heart really wwants ot believe that a friend can’t do something like this. Naming your experiences as you do, and how it affects you, is a very first and significant step towards healing, even closure sometimes. For what it’s worth from a stranger, I’m very proud of you for talking about this part of your story here, for sharing your vulnerability. You shouldn’t have been hurt, and what happened was not your fault. You deserve to be treated with respect, authentic care, and unconditional love. You deserve to be and to feel safe, no matter what.

I’m sending much love and virtual hugs your way. Hold fast, friend. :heart: