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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
Every time I play this song on my acoustic guitar…I start crying …I’m on Suboxone,and trying to get off of it
It’s a slow process. I started at a large dose and slowly went down to taking the smallest amount each day and sometimes I can skip a day and take a smaller dose. It’s not meant to be a forever thing, but if it keeps you off the bad stuff then it’s worth it… Talk to your doctor about taking less and eventually getting off. You got this.
Music has a way of moving us in ways that we are not always expecting. Sometimes a song will play that I have heard dozens of times, but on that particular listen it strikes a certain chord and I start getting choked up.
I am proud of you for making the decision to want to get off of Suboxone. I agree with the above reply about talking with your doctor to get on a plan for lowering your dosage and to get off of it completely. You have all of our support! You are absolutely capable of getting off of it! We are always here for you if you need any additional support!
That moment of feeling “I’d be better off dead” is so raw and real. That feeling of having to internally fight the battle everyday and fighting alone is such a harsh journey. No one truely understands our own pain better than ourselves, and when you find a song that resonates and speaks to your very situation, it provides this brief moment of “I’m not alone”.
The impact it holds can be so great in the midst of the disconnect and hurt we face.
Your journey is a beautiful process and every step you take is a worthy celebration. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on where we think we should be and have it feel like a heavy weight or a block stopping us from trying to move forward because it seems unattainable.
I’m proud of you for being here, for trying, for sharing your voice and be heard.