Everyday-my-anger-is-my-coping-mechanism-per-my-th - 2465

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Everyday… My anger is my coping mechanism per my therapist…

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Hope you can find relief to that anger in time <3.

Relatable - I came from a background of using anger to control chaos. When I’m overstimulated or overwhelmed and people are around me, I can use anger as a way to try to create silence or distance from others while I reset or hide. But it’s a challenge - because while that may prove effective in the moment to restore a sense of peace, I leave in my wake this added chaos to my relationships of fear and distance and hurt. Glad that you’re chatting with your therapist about it. My therapist has helped me a ton. One of the big things that I realized is that I’m a “stuffer” - I do not talk about my issues until I explode about them. And becoming more proactive about communicating about my small frustrations has been helpful for me regulating and relating in a better way.

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heartsupport hot damn the accuracy of NateTriesAgain… It is like reading a transcript of my life. I will try to be more active about speaking of my frustrations. Thank you. For everything.

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