Everyone has had those moments when they felt alon

This topic represents a post from INSTAGRAM that was created by HeartSupport where users are invited to open up about their mental health struggles.

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View media here: heartsupport on Instagram: "Everyone has had those moments when they felt alone. We hope to be able to make a place that welcomes people so they don’t feel alone. Can you relate to this? Share how in the comments by tagging @heartsupport . @heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4 @heartsupportwall5 @heartsupportwall6 @heartsupportwall7 @heartsupportwall8 @heartsupportwall9 @heartsupportwall10 #musictherapy #musiccommunity #mentalhealth #signsoftheswarm #metalmusic #explore #reels #reelsofinstagram #bandvideos"

Everyone has had those moments when they felt alone. We hope to be able to make a place that welcomes people so they don’t feel alone. Can you relate to this? Share how in the comments by tagging @heartsupport

#musictherapy #musiccommunity #mentalhealth #signsoftheswarm #metalmusic #explore #reels #reelsofinstagram #bandvideos

That’s right!============

I’ve definitely practiced a lot of isolation when I get to feeling lonely, subsequently making it worse. I know in my heart that the people that love me would never turn me away if I just opened up.

Very cool that he openly reveals this to us/fans. Amongst L&E lyrics say so much………

Respect for talking about this stuff openly. It’s hard to talk about but it’s important and I’m glad people are raising more awareness to this sort of stuff, love you guys :heart:

Chance of anyone still on lookout for tonight Pass :ticket:

It’s hard to see the lights in all the fog but there’s always a fresh restart. May not work on in one place but then you can find exactly what you were looking for in your own back yard. Keep your head up brother! Keep going strong and never give up!!!