Everywhere ive turned to for help has done nothing

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Belongs to: Melissa Cross and Therapist react to Sound of Silence by Disturbed
Everywhere I’ve turned to for help has done nothing. Im literally one of those who " slipped through the cracks of the system. ".

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Same! Been to so many different psychologist, none has helped, I went to my 4th doctor and asked for help, went to a nurse first, that said I needed more help than she could give me, so made an appointment with a doctor, that said to me, that there was nothing they could do, and if I felt worse, I should go to an psychology emergency, and admit myself​:woman_shrugging:t2::crazy_face: I’m so happy I found a body therapist, that helps me a lot with my under expressed emotions, and ofcourse music! Especially this song​:heart: don’t know were ill be without. Hope you get the help you need, and someone to talk to​:heart:

That is such a frustrating place to be in. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing this, friend. Reciving support should be something easy somehow, as the last thing you want to have to do while you are struggling is to have to fight and advocate for yourself over and over. On top of it, repeated disappointment like this can make you feel like something would be wrong with you or that there’s no help out there for you - which isn’t true, but it can certainly feed the negative voices inside that use every hurt and disappointment against ourselves.

I imagine that this situation is exhausting and frustrating for you. Having to try over and over, explain your story and needs, then to realize that what is offer to you is just not what you expected or what you need in the present moment. Personally, I’veexperienced this a little bit with finding the right therapist at first, then with physical medecine in general. With chronic illnesses, it becomes a recurring experience but to meet doctors who just don’t know how to help, don’t know how to diagnose, and even sometimes end up saying “it’s the stress”. Yikes - way to help, doc’, I’ll definitely feel better as soon as I walk out of your office.

It’s hard to feel like people expectd to help and understand you the most because they are professionals/experts in their field, just don’t know how to help. It makes you feel like you’re some kind of oddity and you shouldn’t even except to be supported. It’s hurtful to ask for help but to end up feeling like you were not heard and not understood. You’re already sharing your most vulnerable sides to strangers, which takes an effing ton of energy to muster, so the disappointment hits greater when it feels like it led to nothing.

If anything, you are doing what is needed and what is right by the very fact that you are trying. With therapists/psychology especially, it can be challenging to find the right person and approach for you at first. To me personally, it has taken a year or so before finding a good match, then she left to another place and I’m again in the process of trying > matching fails > trying again. Even though it hurts and is disappointing, this process helps in identifying what YOU need and what you don’t want from a therapist either. Eech “fail” is not really one as it helps you also refine your understanding of your needs and what you expect from therapy. Somehow, the offers are so diverse that it’s an entire world to explore in itself. I do hope that you will find a good match for you soon. You absolutely deserve to feel supported and that it is something acquired - not something to fight for anymore.