Extremely difficult facing reality

Its extremely difficult for me to move on from the neighbor guy ive posted about. I love him.

I cry a lot because he has chosen to remove himself from mine and doesn’t look like hes coming back. He lied to me about everything. I wish he had genuinely wanted me. No one has genuinely wanted me.

My whole life.

They all pretend and
They all use me…

I feel broken. I’ll never be whole or close to it.

Too many thing have happened to me…im beyond repairing


I’m sorry that you’ve had to experience such a loss.

Too many thing have happened to me…im beyond repairing

I felt that way off and on for a long time. Feeling that way while grieving a loss is understandable.

Despite struggling with despair, I’m okay now. I hope you will be too.

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It’s been about 3 weeks of non communication between neighbor guy and I and I still feel horrible and miss him. I still love him.

I don’t know how to move on or if I ever can. . Some people are unable to move on no matter the length of time.

It doesn’t help that we live in close proximity to one another and today was another day that I witnessed another woman in his place of residence. She had sleep attire on, and I am certain that I saw him and her kiss and spoon.

I guess all he ever told me in regards to us being and building a life together was a lie. I really wish that he had meant everything he told me.

I was hoping that he was a good guy and finally the one who wouldn’t use and hurt me like the rest…but he did.

I guess I was used Yet again for someone’s ego boost. My past relationships have all been the same…

Someone with very little self confidence and esteem, sweeping me off my feet and giving me empty promises…only to ghost me… and somehow very quickly gaining esteem getting into another relationship, and quickly marrying that person.

Like I am a practice person.

I’m guess I’m the one who they practice “perfecting” their “game on”.


I was probably right about him only fetishizing me. His preference seems to be women who is of a certain descent …same as he.

Is there a chance that he could have still meant everything he said to me and really was into me??

Tbh, I often think about catching him coming home allegedly from work and talking to him. I honestly think about caving in all of the time.

It’s extremely difficult to move on.

Hi Lavendercrandberry,

I’m sorry to hear that things have ended between you two, especially in such a hurtful way. It es extremely hard to move on from the end of any relationship, but more so when they are in such close proximity to you and you can see their affairs and interactions with others. This must add to the hurt you must be feeling.

I too have had many bad dating interactions with men, where I was used, so I can resonate with the feelings you shared regarding this situation. However, one thought that always helps me recover and strengthen my self-esteem is to acknowledge that just because a man could not see and value my worth, does not make me any less worthy of love. I then tell myself that going through the bad eggs will eventually lead me to my diamond (and I only need one).

All that to say, I know that things have not been going the best in the romance department so far, but that does not mean that it can’t turn around or change. We never know when or how we will meet the right person for us. We just have to find ways to keep picking ourselves back up to put ourselves back out there once we are healed and ready.

Moving on takes time and there is no limit on when or how fast one should do so. It is okay to give your heart all the time that it needs. Self-love is so important, because without it we don’t know what it is we are worth. I’ve responded to a few of your posts before and you are such a gem luv! If he did not cherish you, then he does not deserve you, and HE is the one missing out. You have such a tender and loving heart and I hope that one day you get every good and positive thing that you deserve in excess and surplus! :white_heart:


Hi @Lavendercrandberry,

I have been in your shoes in this difficult situation. There were people that betrayed me in the past. Sometimes I wonder why they leave or ghost me. The best thing I can do was grief and reflect my mistakes. People have no clue that whatever decision that you make will impact someone’s life for good or bad. I’m still healing from my past trauma. As @Shan mentioned, that moving on takes a long time depending on each person. The last few days I do think about what happen if I didn’t meet that person. Will I be happy or sad?

When you stopped talking to a certain person, the worse thing that individual becomes stranger now. You don’t know them anymore but avoid talking them in the future. It must be depressing but I always remember that there will be a better person that support & loves you. I noticed that my past friends, partner, and crush can influence on your interest and hobbies. They changed me in which I feel lost and depress. You can’t always be a people pleaser. Just remember to love yourself before jumping into a new friendship or relationship. You may feel damage by a certain individual but you are able to fix those patches little by little each day.


Spend the day crying…wishing neighbor guy would come back to me. I love him so. .

Sad and crying now because even though I can’t be saved, I want to save the world…but it will always only be a pipedream…

A homeless guy insinuated that I was lying about not having anything to give…He kept asking if I was sure and that he was just trying to survive…I told him that I am sorry that I don’t… and then I ran in the house crying…

If I had it and could take away all his problems, I would…I struggle knowing that I can’t take it all away…