False Dawn by Holding Absence- Therapist Reacts

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Incredible new song False Dawn by @holdingabsence

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Love this band!! :clap:=======

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Wow, Taylor! That’s so real :black_heart:

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Honestly, I think that assuming that you will fail at some point in the journey it’s maturity.
Because it can be a relationship with a loved one, a son a daughter, or even a friend, a work relationship, or any relationship you at some point will not be like the other person thought you would be.
And that’s ok.

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@heartsupport I’m a certified Recovery Support Specialist who works at an outpatient Addition and Mental Health clinic. At times I find it difficult to sleep at night due to some of the heartbreaking issues I support people through. Any wisdom would be appreciated! :heart:

@heartsupport so for me I deal with a lot of mental health and health issues in general so I’m seeking help in those areas but everytime I do it feels like I’m taking one step forward and 50 steps back with my depression and anxiety getting worse