Feel Like I'm Not Good Enough for a Relationship

I started seeing and going out with a girl I met in my town. We met online, but quickly found out by talking to each other that we have seen each other before in different places but didn’t know each other at the time. After a few dates, time spent together, and lots of time talking, I can honestly say I have never met such an amazing girl like here where we have so much in common. We both know we want a relationship built and centered around Jesus, and everything feels very genuine with her.

But, I have the constant feeling that I am not good for her. I do love Jesus with all my heart, and at a point in my life where I truly am trying to pursue Him and serve him. However, this girl is such a light of Jesus and in love with Him too that I feel like a don’t match up with her. The enemy is persistently using my past struggles and mistakes to haunt me currently and I feel like I fall into them sometimes. This makes me afraid that I am not good for this girl because of what I have dealt with and makes me question if my love for God is valid. I know that is the Enemy talking and he is lying, but it still gives me great anxiety.

I am really starting to like this girl, and doing my best to put God first in this whole thing. I eventually want to tell her the things i have struggled with both past and present, and I’m afraid of what she may say.

Has anyone been through something like this before?

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Dear friend

You have to remember that no one is perfect. But that part being a human. You can’t go through life without making mistakes. At end, it not about being a perfect Person, it about being a good person. Relationships are not meant to be perfect. Also no one is meant to be on pedal. You not think you a good match to this girl, but remember she is human too.

A good or even great people can admit do their mistakes, in addition that make willing to learn and be better. If your honest and sincere, she will see that in you. I think you a good match to this girl and give it a shot.

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