Feel like that was my fault but it really wasn't, can't move on

like 3 years ago i had a friend… which i had a little crush on was struggling with severe depression as he was saying and because I was trying my very best to help, i did everything to help even tho it was an internet friendship. Now I’m done with him, i ended that friendship, but now I’m struggling, I’m afraid that I’m not good enough, that i’m wasting people’s time and that I would never be a good friend and even a person. And I’m afraid of sharing it to my friends because I know how i felt when I was taking all of that persons problems. I’m also scared of going to the therapist/psychologist/whatever because of the language barrier and i’m a broke high school student.

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Hello. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the community. Is there free counseling session in your high school? You can ask teachers or any adult in your high school about it. It’s not your fault of what happened. Sometimes, friendships aren’t going to turn out the way we want them to. You are a good friend. You did what you can to help. You are enough. Don’t be ashamed of sharing something to your friends. Start with one. They will listen to you. Take good care of yourself. God loves you. HeartSupport loves you. Love yourself too. I hope you are having a great weekend. Thank you for sharing. Peace.

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Hey friend

You are worth so much in gods eyes you are not worthless, you are much more what you think. i’ve learned that my self worth is more important than what i think about myself and people. you can get through this you can move on i believe in you and god believes in you in every way. Here a bible verse for you
proverbs 12:18 says thoughtless words cut like a sword. but the tongue of wise people brings healing.
you can do this i believe in you friend.

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In a general sense you are the only person who gets to decide if you are good enough or not. If you are not good enough then you can change and become someone who you like better and eventually into someone who is good enough. You can also change what “good enough” means. It’s ok to admit to yourself that you don’t think that you are good enough. Nobody learns from failure until they recognize that they have made a mistake.

If you don’t want to cross a language barrier for therapy, get a therapist who speaks the language that you know best. If there is a nearby psychiatric inpatient facility, they might know where a good outpatient therapist who meets your needs is and how to make an appointment. It’s mostly free to check. You just have to pay for gas. Maybe they have a website where you can get information on nearby therapists. You can also try googling “[language that you speak best] therapist [your location]” and see what happens. You might be able to get what you need from an online therapist. There are therapist apps for phones. If nothing else works you can use heartsupport and we will try our collective best, but therapists come with quality control and we do not. (Just keep posting until you get what you need. Give some replies. Helping people feels good. :slightly_smiling_face:)

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