Feel so alone

I feel so alone . I have so much pain and so many that I feel like no one understands . No one cares about me or how I feel. No cares that I am secretly dying inside because of loosing so many people within the past couple months . No one understands or cares to understand what it is like to be in my shoes . I am so tired of fighting and want this pain to be gone . I want this sadness and grief to be gone . I just want life to happy again and love it but I feel like that is so far away


From: Pinecone (Discord)

hey friend! dont think that nobody cares about you, because we do! do things you enjoy, things that make you happy, make you calm, anything at all that you like! and anybody that you lost, they are watching you so just know that you are not alone! stay strong and have a good day!


From: Ash (Discord)

My dear friend you are so not alone in this. I have felt this countless times and been in deep despair of not knowing who to trust and who cared. This is something that really is important. You are very much someone people should care about and you are someone that we care about that I care about. If you want to discuss what it is like in your shoes I am more than willing to listen. I recently went through the loss of loosing a list of my friends too and it was so painful for me because all I wanted was to stop loosing people. I battled with the thoughts of not being valued enough for people to stay but in the end I realized that who matters the most is myself. I have come to find those that truly are my friends will never leave no matter what you do. I want you to hold fast to the fact that you arent alone. No matter how you feel no matter the issues of the moment you are enough and that you are loved. If you have breath in your lungs than no matter what you have done you have value to me. Hold fast Ash


From: j71s8 (Discord)

you are never alone, you are loved, you matter and you are cared for. You deserve Love and support. I know in my life i have felt that way before. I had to go see a therapist to finally begin to wade my way through it all. I have journal after journal i remember reading through. Its a tough journey, but you are loved by so many. You are worthy of everything positive


From: Micro (Discord)

Hey friend. I’m so sorry that you’ve been feeling alone and like everyone is leaving you. It’s such a painful spot to be in, and I had times in my life when I felt the exact same way as you do right now. Something I didn’t do though, was to reach out as you right here, and I want you to know that we’re all so very proud of you for doing so. It can be tempting to stay alone when we feel isolated, and it really takes a lot of courage to break down this invisible wall. With covid and lockdowns, and being unemployed, I’ve felt very alone during the last year, but I’m glad that I found this place right here where I am reminded that people care out there, even random strangers! We care about you, really. And I hope you’ll keeping spending time in our community, so you could restore this sense of connection that is missing right now. This grief will need time to be processed, but we’re willing to support you through this. If you want, come hang out on our Discord (discord.gg/heartsupport) and during the live streams on twitch (twitch.tv/heartsupport), we’d love to learn to know you better and just share life with you. We see you, we hear you, we care about you. Let’s fight together against this loneliness that you don’t deserve. <3

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Hey @Carseaj , @taylor dedicated a song to you on stream!

Hold Fast


I totally understand how you feel. I’ve been there and I’m still there sometimes. One thing that’s helped me over the past year or so is realizing we’re not the only ones with loss and grief. We’re fortunate enough to still be here. People do care and people do love you. You have support and you’re not alone in this.


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