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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
Feel that way everyday, alone with my own thoughts trying to figure out the way, alone, laughed at talked down about me, asked for helped once and got punished for it, so now I stay silent for my protection, build the wall put up the fence with a sign warning don’t try it, not worth the laughter from what I thought was care, betrayal and resent is what I know is real, pain is real when you reach out just to have it slapped away but I carry on with all my bags hoping one day it will end,really glad I found you your channel feeling head high with your words, sorry for the inconvenient rambling, it’s true so true, thank you Taylor,
I’m a fellow HeartSupport Fan. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone in the way you feel. I’m glad you shared with us. Love your “rambling” (Actually, I don’t think it’s rambling at all.) There are people out there that care and are willing to help. I hope you find them. I think a lot of times people make fun of things because they either don’t understand, or don’t know what to do about it. Maybe you can put a window at least in that wall. Give yourself some hope of finding someone that can help, but still protect yourself? Lots of love to you.
Hello Friend, Thank you so much for posting. I think many can relate to the words you have written, we are sadly surrounded by people who are still ignorant to the thoughts and feelings of people that struggle with their emotions and or mental healthealth, I think for the most part it is unintentional buy that doesnt hurt any less when said.
I too am so pleased that you have found both Taylor on youtube and now Heartsupport, I would love t encourage you to keep opening up on our forum if you think it will help you, you will find us at you can write posts when ever you like, we are here to support, listen with no judgement. Lisa. x
You are not alone in how you feel - I think many of us have turned to people in hopes of support and understanding only to end off worse than when we started. The unfortunate thing is that those bad experiences do not apply to every single person - some people genuinely want to help us - but we don’t want to risk feeling hurt again. I do have to say though, that turning to yourself to deal with your issues isn’t inherently a bad thing. I would say that it’s a question of equilibrium. It is important to know how to cope with certain situations ourselves, but not to avoid reaching out to others for help completely. I think that you’ve got that first part covered, and it’s now a question of finding those that do have your best interests at heart. In the meantime, you have us! If there is anything you want to address or vent out, we’ll be there. Just don’t close yourself off completely from the idea of others being there for you, life is surprising and I have no doubt it’ll end up sending good people your way<3
You don’t need to apologize for sharing about your experiences or the way you feel - you are absolutely welcome to do so right here. It’s a safe space for it.
I’m so very sorry that you have been treated that way, especially after reaching out… it’s so unfair. You did something brave by asking for help and none of what you said should have been mocked or dismissed in any way. For what it’s worth from a stranger here, I highly value the fact that you tried in the first place because what you did was not wrong at all - on the contrary. There’s no doubt that it must have taken you a lot of energy just to get to that point of seeking help, and the fall afterwards must have been absolutely heartbreaking. It’s hard enough to share what’s on our heart and show our vulnerable side to someone. It should only be met with respect and care.
You absolutely deserve to be heard and supported as you need, friend. It makes absolutely sense to want to protect yourself - and damn I’ve done that myself for similar reasons for a very long time. Still you have worth in this world and deserve to feel like you have allies by your side as you are carrying those heavy bags, for there are burdens that don’t have to be dealt with just on our own. I hope with all my heart that you won’t let this hurt condition your right to speak up in the future and build your own support system - at your own pace and in light of the hurt you’ve been carrying. What you were told at the time was the reflection of someone’s inability to hear you… although it will never define your right to receive the help you need. You matter so very much. You’ll always do.