Feeling A Bit Uneasy

So, I mentioned to my parents last night that I wanted to start streaming to see if I could bring in a positive community but to also bring me some kind of income and they were so negative about it. It made me feel so frustrated, and really sad that they weren’t on the same page. I mean, in the end, it is my decision but it hurts knowing the two most important people in my life aren’t supportive of something that could become something for me. It really hurts.

Hey Brittany,

That must have been so hurtful to receive those negative reactions from your parents about something you’re so passionate about. Although it is ultimately your choice, I can see how not having their support would still be hard.

It sounds like what you’re wanting to create is something that could not only be very positive and uplifting for you and others but could be a source of income as well. Sometimes not everyone will understand what it is we want to achieve or what we are passionate about and that is so very hard, but you know yourself better than anyone. Sometimes we have to make that leap and go for it even if it feels like we are stepping into it alone. However, you still have your HeartSupport family who not only supports you but believes in you as well!

Hold fast my friend, you’ve got this.

Hannah Rhodes

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Hiya @SageTheSpirit

It’s completely understandable you feel this way, I can empathise how difficult it is for someone you love to give a negative reaction towards something that is dear to you.

You’re completely right, it is your decision with what you choose to do, its definitely a positive thing that you know that yourself.

I also think its a great idea that you want to provide a positive community through streaming, its really incredible stuff and you could inspire a lot of people.

I sincerely hope your parents will see where you’re coming from and trust they love you more than anything, so in time they should come around :slight_smile:

You deserve to be supported in your endevours.

Take Care.


Hey @SageTheSpirit . @taylor sang a song for you on our live stream!

Hold Fast


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