Feeling bad about the rage i go in iff i get upset

I am struggling with Intermittent explosive disorder, ptsd and chronic depression.
IED is an anger disorder where i cant conltrole my anger and black out and hurt the people around me and myself. I dont want to hurt anyone i cant help it. Its just frustrating me where i feel i am worthless and not deserving of love. My life is a mess and so struggling at times sadly there is no cure for. I go to therapy to learn to coop with it but its so hard

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Hello Astalarin,

Thank you for being honest about the things you struggle with. This really is a difficult situation and I think that it would be help to consider two things, what you can change, and what you can not. Since IED is a disorder, you may not be able to change that without some major medical help (I’ve know people who have gone through ECT for that, which is very drastic.) What you can change is how you feel about it. Just because you have this terrible disorder does not make you worthless, because your illnesses are not a part of who you are. People may misunderstand you and think you are an angry and bad person, but that is not what I am hearing. You desire peace above all things, and showing the world that in the good moments will soften the blow of the bad. Also, there are people out there who can help you beyond therapy, you just have to patently looking for them. I’m praying for you, man, and I know everything is goign to work out just fine.

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