Feeling worthless and cast aside

I was recently in my most recent and happy relationship with a girl I met a while back and we decided to start dating. It was great for about a week but for the past five days she seemed pretty apathetic with her responses. I got anxious and asked if I was being annoying at all and she reassured me I wasn’t. I finally got myself to believe it after a few days but today came, we were having a normal conversation (be it one-sided) when she told me out of the blue “Hey so I’m really sorry, you’re a nice person and got a pretty cool personality. But I’m sorry I just don’t feel a spark and connection with you personally. I can’t deal with needy and clingy man that shit is just annoying. Have a good life and hope you finding someone to vibe with.”
And instantly blocked me on all social media and I’m most likely sure she blocked my number.
I just don’t understand any of it or the thought process of it all and it absolutely kills me. The main things that kills me is that she lied to me about being annoying and called me it not very delicately. I just feel extremely thrown aside and very replaceable. I don’t understand much of all what happened and every time I try to I just get heartbroken because I think of what she said. I can’t feel closure with it because I was blocked on everything. I feel worthless. I know I’m not but the pain feels so much like worthlessness. I didn’t mean to be clingy or overwhelming, I just wanted to spend time with her and see her. And it’s not like I wasn’t able to function without her, I only wanted to see her, once, maybe twice a week. I just don’t know how to move on from this. I’m confused and feel cast aside and worthless. I don’t know what to do or how to deal with this.

Hey friend,
I’m so sorry to hear of how this happened to you. You don’t deserve to be dismissed like this,especially when you were asking honest questions. I know its easy to say you’re better off, but truly you deserve to be cared for and respected and given honesty in return. My heart goes out to you. Break-ups are really hard. Know that how you are feeling is valid. Its okay to hurt, to feel confused, I know that I would too in your situation. I had a situation early this year where things were going great with a guy I had been talking to and things suddenly shifted out of the blue. It hurt. One thing I learned was to remember my worth and how I was valuable before I knew this guy and I still would be after. The same is true for you. It may take time, but know you are loved and supported here in this fam on Heart Support. Hang it there, we love you.

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Hi there,

Your feelings are valid. I’m of two trains of thought on this matter.

  1. The person was not ready for the type of commitment and investment. And was not ready for that.

  2. They felt they were not offering you the best they could for you.

But in time I hope you get your closure. I hope you have a solid support system be it friends/family. Just breathe and take it a day at a time. And that you two can come together and speak as adults with maturity.

On another coin they may need time to process thier own emotions and feelings.