First day of school


So, now that school finally started, what has happened?
Well, here’s the story so far.

After I got ready for the day, I went to the new school by car. I then go meet up with my class and wait. We had the little ceremony, went inside the building to our new dedicated classroom. My head teacher was present and told us about the new rules (since we were temporary ‘guests’ at this school.) Then after that, I went with my classmates to go by bus. It was incredibly crowded and overwhelming, but I was able to get home safely.

So, what now? Well, there will be some changes.
First off, my internet access will be once again restricted by both of my parents. Why? Well, not only because I need to focus more on school… But also due to the fact that my little brother (in second grade) forgot how to write. I am not kidding, that actually happened… And my parents just don’t wanna risk anything in general.

So, that means that my time here will be quite limited. But even if I can’t help others as freely as I can, that won’t deter me to find other solutions to talk to all of you. I’ll try to be discreet and careful whenever I’m using my devices, because I could risk getting them taken away.

If you’re wondering why I’ll be so absent in the following weeks (possibly?), it’s because of this. I’ll try to answer any questions that you might have, but please be patient with me.

Goodbye, for now.

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Hey there, @Cora :blush:

It’s great to hear that school has finally started for you, and you’ve shared your experiences so far. The first day can be a mix of excitement and nerves, but it sounds like you handled it well.

I understand that there will be some changes coming your way, especially with your internet access being restricted. It’s understandable that your parents want you to focus on school, and I admire your willingness to support your little brother in his learning journey. It’s a responsible and caring attitude.

While your time here might be limited, I’m glad to hear that you’re still committed to finding ways to stay connected with the community. Being discreet and careful with your devices is a smart approach, and I’m sure many here will appreciate your dedication to helping others, even under these circumstances.

Remember, we’ll be here whenever you can join us, so don’t worry too much about being absent. Life can get busy, and we understand that. Just take care of your responsibilities, and we’ll look forward to your return whenever that may be.

Goodbye for now, and take care of yourself and your studies. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to come back. :blush::wave: