For-me-the-combination-of-the-instrumentals-and-ly - 1588

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For me the combination of the instrumentals and lyrics evoke a feeling that I describe as “I’m not going anywhere in life, but I’m okay with that”. I don’t know why but that expression helps to cope with things.
Like comming to terms with it, but knowing that I could be mistaken. A bit pessimistic with a tiny bit of optimism hidden in there.


Yea it’s like reaching some level of acceptance, isn’t it? Surrendering to what is, so that it could also leave the door open to something new, something that would contradict what you’ve been thinking. Instead of living according to a narrative that can be hurtful, you accept that imperfection and wandering is part of the process. We may not know what the future holds or how the next chapter of our life is going to be, but we can surely stop fighting against things that are just as they are. As long as this process is not damaging to you, and doesn’t prevent you from seeing your potential either. It’s okay to feel lost at times. It’s okay to acknowledge it. It’s okay to say it. Never lose sight of the fact that you are, and therefore everything is possible. Appreciate you for sharing this subtle interpretation and what this part of the lyrics, combined with the music, evokes to you. It’s powerful. <3

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you’ve just given me an epiphany that brought me to tears. as someone who has never been able to get anywhere in life because of disabilites (i had to drop out of university and i struggled throughout the education system), i eventually just gave up and decided to live a life where i have all the free time and flexible responsibility i need. i never saw the song that way because i have a rough time processing lyrics as i’m always so taken up by the music. thanks so much for that

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@Place Holder and now the album is out. have you taken a listen yet?

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@JakeEPI’m glad I could help you in any way. That’s why I love music. It can be a way to say something that you’re struggling to find the words for.

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