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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
For the longest time I have had to be the villain. And I played the villain well. Whether it be to the people in my family. Or the people around me and I am pretty sick of having to be the villain. Or the bad guy however you want to put it. No matter how good I was at it but it’s really hard to get out of that roll.
Especially when your family won’t let you out of that role.
I am 37 days sober. And I have family members that try to tell me they’re proud of me for that. It’s hard to believe them when they flat-out tell you they have no sympathy for people who do such things. I’m not asking for sympathy for what I did. I’m simply asking for the recognition for trying to better myself. Not even asking them to forgive me for how I was. I have no right to ask them.
But I don’t believe it they just say it because they know it’s the thing to say.
I am however very lucky that I have a really good friend that has been very supportive of me during this time.
But that doesn’t stop that inner voice that constantly tells me I’m not enough. And that’s all I am is just a time filler.
Unfortunately I have a lot of history that gives validity to that inner voice.