Force myself out of people

My goal is…end self isolation, develop some friendships that help me learn to trust & believe. Finally put trauma behind me and live again…im barley existing. 30 years is long enongh

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What a very brave and strong goal right there. Well done for putting it into words, @smead. Over time, trauma can make us feel like we are condemned to live our life in a way that is very restricted – extremely safe, but oftentimes preventing us to enjoy life to the fullest. I’m so very proud of you for not wanting to let it dictate your life and decisions more than it did. You truly deserve to live, and not only survive. I hope that being here in this community will help in re-building progressively a sense of trust in other human beings. I personally came here years ago while being engulfed by the consequences of traumatic experiences, but this place has helped me have faith in others and in myself more than I ever did.

This plan of yours is surely going to take time, patience, grace for yourself. What would your first steps look like in moving towards this new direction?