Found this

This is awesome! I am going to a Blessthefall show this month and I clicked the right link when reading about the band to see that Beau has started this page. I am also a Christian who has very similar ways of dealing with my faith. I have OCD and other mental health issues that drain me daily and music is my escape. This page has more meaning and means more to me then I can put into words <3


Welcome to heart support! It’s always nice to have new people come into the community. I look forward to getting to know you.
I hope this community can be a place where you feel safe to reach out if you need to.


Thank you! So happy to be here! I have been needing this community and looking for something like this for years. I have been trying medications for my mental Illness since 2020 and have not found relief as I am extremely resistant to anti depressants. The resistance has not stopped me and neither have the bad side effects from trying again. I just want to be better lol. I have also tried a therapist and this also did not help me as it felt like I was paying someone who didn’t understand what I feel but read a book to get an understanding of how I feel, what I really need is people who understand me. I seriously think my psychiatrist goes and researches my disorder when I leave, I feel as though I baffle people lol. I am still a huge advocate of medical help and I am still a participant in it I just haven’t found my answer yet. Having this though where people truly understand is unique not to mention it’s music related got to love it! <3



My deepest apologies about your mental illness and that such drains you; but amazingly thankful that musical upbeats have helped ease, at least a bit, along the roads. The soul and mind can flow peacefully and freely through those lyrical melodies.

If not known, try and find your mental illness within this Dr. Eric Bergs’ YouTube channel. He goes deeply and tries to find natural help for various aspects. Potentially something in his videos could be helpful. Some of the commentors could also be guiding as some showcase things that helped them. Could integrate within your comment of “what I really need is people who understand me”.

Example (always speak to a physician/dietician about anything):
“As someone who has battled OCD most of my life, which at some points was debilitating, I can say the first real help I saw was when I began taking fish oil. Later, I began taking nutritional yeast at your advising for other reasons and noticed that it did in fact, help the OCD. I also started taking Benfotiamine for neuropathy. I have also cut my sugar intake drastically. Now, the OCD is almost an afterthought. I still have some issues driving, but it’s nothing like it used to be. Thank you, Sir!”.

The TOP Remedies for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - YouTube

Thankful your positivity illuminates and priceless steps imprint into the amazingness you present to society.

God Bless,

John German


Thank you for this!! I will certainly be visiting this resource. I have been educating myself non stop with OCD as I have been struggling since childhood but did not even know I had it till 2020 for reference I am 34. I can’t wait to watch some of his videos and maybe try a home remedy. I have tried some medications that had some pretty terrifying side effects and all of them are so sneaky so I have definitely been leaning down the road of less abrasive treatments for the moment. This resource you have shared will not only inform me but may even change me. Thank you for taking the time to share small gestures can lead to big impact <3
Also your words are like poetry and go straight to my soul somehow, they also have a depth to them that makes me feel heard. Thank you for your kindness in this world.

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Welcome in @Hi-Im-Rachel! Very glad you have found us too, and I hope you will feel safe here. We have a neat community and lovely people who are all about being open about whatever we go through – I’m looking forward to getting to know you!


Thank you! I hope to bring bring a spark of light. I have a hard time meeting people who relate to me and I felt absolutely alone in my head until I listened to NFS album the search, actually I didn’t listen to the album I felt it. Nathan also has OCD and I had no idea till after I fell in love with his music, no wonder I connected. I hope to help others know they are not alone. I’m an open book when it comes to my symptoms, medications, side effects, and feelings. I will answer pretty much anything even curiosities and I love doing it! I love sharing my story in hopes somebody just feels better or understood for a moment as I know how dark it is when you feel as if nobody understands.


I hope to help others know they are not alone.

If you would like to encourage others, you may find interest in our Reply Teams of volunteers, called Support Wall Action Teams. It’s a wonderful way to help AND to use your personal experiences in a way that brings even more a sense of purpose to you.

I’d invite you to check this out, and feel free to ask any question!

The teams are on Discord, and from there it’s quite easy to find guidance/follow the steps indicated to join a team:

Would personally love to see you there!