From adambears-photography i was recently wrongful

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From adambears_photography: I was recently wrongfully terminated from my career for having an invasive double hernia surgery. After surgery I have been fighting an infection for going on 6 weeks now. My first day back to work I was fired for “being selfish by getting this surgery” now I am without work, without my hobbies of lifting and riding motorcycles. I have my family and thank god for my fiancé and daughter, they are my whole universe. But I have been on the edge of just wanting to give up entirely. This world is cruel and I’m just trying so desperately to claw my way back up

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@adambears_photography I’m really sorry to hear about the tough situation you’re going through. It must be incredibly tough to have your career taken away because of something you had no control over, especially something like a surgery. And dealing with an infection on top of all that sounds like a whole other level of hardship.

It’s completely unfair that you’re facing this, and I can only imagine how frustrating and disheartening it must be. Not being able to do the things you love, like your hobbies and job, can really take a toll on your spirit. But I’m glad you have your family, fiancé, and daughter to lean on. Having that support can be a lifeline during times like these.

I know it might feel like things are falling apart, but remember that you’re not alone in this. It’s okay to reach out for help and lean on those who care about you. The world can be a tough place, but there are people who genuinely care and want to help you through this tough time. Please lean on the to keep you from giving up. Invite others in to help you and keep sharing just like you did here. You’ve got this <3