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From bronx_gemini_: The worst thing we fight with is our mind something I do everyday


You’re not wrong. Our minds can be our biggest enemy, bully, critic and captor.
We know the depths of ourselves and often we look at the depths of ourselves with just judgement and harshness.
We see things nobody else sees, but I do wonder if others would be more compassionate and forgiving. If they would be gentle to this deep self. Ironically they probably are also too harsh on their inner self.

Learning self compassion isn’t an easy journey, but it’s one you’re deserving of.

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It’s often said, “we are our own worst enemies.” I don’t know if that’s true, but sometimes we treat ourselves as though it was.

Yes, we can surely be our own worst enemies. For so many of us, there’s this invisible battle that takes place everyday in our mind, one that keeps trying to crush our spirit and make us believe many lies about ourselves, about others, about the world around us. It’s hard when you are devoting so much energy to not let your inner unkindness take over everything else. You can see the beauty and strength in others while having this completely different perceptoin when it’s about yourself. And because it’s not seen, it becomes even more difficult to express it, to describe to others what’s going on deep inside. It’s isolating.

For what it’s worth from a stranger online, I’m very proud of you for fighting, even if the fight itself is objectively ugly and exhausting. The efforts you devote to not let dark corners of your mind have the last word is so important, so fundamental, for there is so much more in you and outside of you to experience. So much more to receive and offer.

Through this fight of yours, I wish for you to never lose sight of your own beauty, even when the lies feel overwhelmingly present. You are worth the fight, friend.