From capnkitten as silentplanetband says so well t

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From capnkitten: as @silentplanetband says so we’ll, “There’s no antidote for time” and that’s what I struggle with the most. Time slips away too fast and there’s never enough of it. We take it for granted and we can’t get it back when it’s gone, and that makes it hard to live in the present when you’re grieving the loss of the future.



You’ve expressed something so profound and universal – the relentless passage of time. It’s true, time can often feel like an elusive and precious commodity. Grief can intensify that feeling, making it seem like it’s slipping away even faster. I want you to know that it’s completely okay to feel this way.

Grieving the loss of what could have been can be incredibly challenging. It’s like mourning a future that you once imagined but can no longer experience. However, as difficult as it is, it’s also a testament to the depth of your emotions and the value you place on the moments that time can’t erase.

While there may be no antidote for time, there is the power of the present. You have the capacity to honor your memories and find moments of joy, connection, and meaning in the here and now. It’s not about forgetting the past or what you’ve lost, but about embracing the present as a continuation of your journey.

You’re not alone in these feelings, and there are people who care about you and are willing to support you through this process. Please lean on your loved ones or consider seeking support from a grief counselor or support group if you haven’t already. Your journey is unique, but there are resources and connections that can help you find your way through it.

Remember, in each moment, you have the power to create new memories and find reasons to smile, even amidst the challenges. Your future, though different from what you once envisioned, still holds the potential for beauty and fulfillment.

Hope this helps :green_heart:

Yes, it’s so hard to have this awareness of time being a sacred resource. No matter how much we would want to pause it at times, it keeps moving on its own route, and there is something really profound when it comes to grieving the reality of infinite time. As you said so very well, we usually take it for granted, but when important events strike us our perception of time becomes very different. Hard to not see it as a rare and precious gift, probably one of the most important of all. It’s such a paradox though, isn’t it? To feel this urge of embracing the time we have, but also struggling with this awareness, which ends up making us feel stuck, unable to be fully present. For a long time I struggled with this - it would wake me up in the middle of night with seemingly panic attacks. It was hard to feel like it was an awareness I couldn’t just forget even if I wanted to. There’s a deep part of accepting and surrendering to how reality is, in order to reclaim this need to embrace the present just as it is. When you hold on to the injustice it makes you feel, it pushes you in this static position where seeds of life can’t seem to grow. It’s a tough learning process, although something that reveals how profound it is to be human… and how beautiful/magic/precious life is at the same time. I’m sitting next to you on this personal journey, friend. I believe you will find your own sense of spontaneity again - but if for now you are in the midst of what feels like complete stillness, that is okay too, and somehow part of this tough learning process.