From carefb my dad died august 6 he was my rock he

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From carefb: my dad died August 6. He was my rock. He was also an alcoholic. But he always went to work and I knew he was there for me. I’m an only child and single. It feels very lonely.

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@taylorpalmby thank you so much! I have some great friends that are helping me :blush:

@carefb oh wow friend, i’m sure this feels incredibly isolating. It sounds like he was really there for you when you needed him, and now when you really need someone he is the person you would go to but you can’t and it feels like no one is there. I’m sending you love as you heal from this. It was brave of you to reach out here for support and I hope you’ll keep reaching out and asking for support. Keep finding people to invite into your life and building community. if you’re not sure where to start this community is a great place!

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@nit_witter thank you :heart:=

@carefb I’m so sorry for your loss!

Being an only child myself, i know the codependency struggles myself. i hope that you take care of your own needs and find peace with your fathers passing. :heart_hands: keep going, just keep going!