From cizzy cc i lost my mom about 3 years ago due

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
From I lost my mom about 3 years ago due to accidental overdose. It seems like it never gets easier as you miss them more and more everyday, however, you do learn to love harder and not take for granted the ones who are still here with you

1 Like Yes time keeps moving on, yet it feels as if the pain remains just the same. So many people told me after losing that my brother that time helps - while as much as it was true to some extent, the intensity of the pain is still the same. It doesn’t speak about how much it is hard to keep growing and living new things in life without the person who means so much to you. Each new experience becomes also a new layer of grief as you acknowledge the absence of the person you love. It makes completely sense that this pain has been so very present for you and keeps affecting you. You lost your mom in such a brutal, traumatic way and it’s just such a deep experience but to try to process and accept what happened. The emptiness still feels very real, and it hurts to feel knocking your head on the same wall over and over again. I hope that, somehow, the pain that you feel will let a little more space for all the GOOD that you and your mom have also shared together. That the time you have spent and the joy you’ve shared are also very real and deserve to be present in your heart. It is still here - but it is okay if it’s still hard to embrace it for now. I wish you peace, and love to give and receive as much as possible too. <3