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From clmalone432: I love this! Thank you for doing this! I struggle everyday with the voices telling me to end my life. That everyone will be better off without me, that everyone I know hates me and I am barely tolerable and I know I’m not the only one. But I wake up everyday and push through. I look at my grandchildren and I put on my favorite music and go about my day ignoring the voices. Some days it’s hard and I wonder if I’ll make it through, but I do.


So hard to feel like every day is ground hog day, never able to really break through in any kind of lasting relief. I think that is what makes your story so special - the courage and strength to face each day knowing you are going to do that battle again. I am proud of the way you persevere.


Yes, you do. You don’t let these thoughts take the best of you. You don’t let them take over the beauty that is present in your life right now. You don’t let them take love away, and that is such a superpower that you have there. This world is better with you in it. The world of all the people you treasure and who love you dearly is better with you in it. There is so much to life than these daily battles, could it be felt in the warmth of a good cup a coffee, in the smile of your grandchildren, or in a sweet memory that brings joy to your heart. I hope that, during days when the fight is harder, you make sure to reconnect with all of these pieces of your life that bring a strong sense of belonging. I hope you make sure to not stay alone, even when it’s difficult. Thank you for being open about it here. Know that there are people out there who are rooting for you and truly believe in you. <3