From easyzach- i lost my grandmother this past nov

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From easyzach_: I lost my grandmother this past November and still struggling getting over her being gone, she was quite literally the smartest and the most hardworking woman I’ve ever known. I probably miss watching Dallas Mavericks games with her the most or going out too destroy some crab legs lol. I try my best to try and replicate what she made for our family growing up, I just hope down the road I’m able to fill her shoes for all my people as well as myself.

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@heartsupport :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:========

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@easyzach_ grief doesn’t seem to follow a time line which sucks. It’s not linear and it ebbs and flows and it sounds like she was an awesome woman so it makes a lot of sense that your grief would be big and it would be hard to navigate. I love those sweet memories you shared. I’ve found that sharing joyful memories has been incredibly helpful for my own grief. So I hope you’ll keep sharing. I hope you’ll go out and make those new memories too, it sounds like she would want you to live a rich joyful life with your family. sending love - taylor

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