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From haleyythornburg: Not being the best mother I can be for my two kiddos. They deserve more than they will ever know

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Haley, I’m sorry that you are struggling with how you are as a mother. This Heart Support community is here if you would like to talk about this. Please know that you are not alone and we are here when you would like support.

So hard when regret is tied to your kids. Because your level of hope and dream and idealism and expectation for them is SO HIGH. Because your LOVE for them is unending. And then when you feel like there are ways you’ve let them down, moments that you replay, conversations you wish had gone differently, ways you wish you could let them know that you love them. It is something you can never perfect but always expect better of yourself. It is hard to ever settle at “enough” - that as a parent I have done enough for them. That I have loved them well enough, encouraged them, cared for them enough. And that regret gnaws at you when they’re asleep. You think back at the moments you could have improved. The ways you could have been more patient or gentle. It’s so hard.