From jearlenbaugh i m struggling with the loss of

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From jearlenbaugh: I’m struggling with the loss of a friend. He moved to another state without telling me he was going, I found out through someone else.

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@jearlenbaugh Oh my gosh, friend, I’m so sorry this happened. It must have been so heartbreaking to not only realize that he left, but on top of it to have discovered it by yourself. I imagined being in this situation while reading your words, and would have certainly felt betrayed, abandoned, and questioned many things about myself or things I said/did that could have caused it. It’s so hard when a lack of communication surrounds something so important. You are left with your own worries, fears, and limited resources to fully understand what happened, and why it happened that way. Of course I don’t how was your relationship as friends, but I do hope that you keep in mind how much this was their decision and responsibility, and there is no guilt to carry because of it. Maybe it was difficult to say goodbye, maybe it was for other reasons… but regardless, you are absolutely worthy of love and respect at any time. Again, I’m sorry that you’ve been put in this situation, and have been somehow forced to deal with this unexpected loss. You matter very much. <3