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From jerseyjenny138: Relatable. I have had to retrain myself to be calm and patient with myself so that I am able to serve others. My mother was both physically and verbally abusive. She ultimately rejected me in my 40’s. Now I know I have to literally stop drop and roll with the punches! :boxing_glove: I know I can get a grip on my emotions if I pause myself. Now I am able to serve my friends, my family, and be at my most ultimate self. Thx :purple_heart:


That’s a nice way of putting it. With a pause, it’s easier to determine what reactions make sense and possibly promote healing.

Pausing and slowing things down are so important. In the midst of intense events or emotions, it can be super challenging to remind yourself of it, but it sounds like you’ve really developped a habit there that helps you. You’ve been regaining ownership over your own decisions - it allows you to respond instead of reacting. So powerful! You absolutely deserve to be your true self, and not having traumatic experiences contorlling your present. Thank you so much for sharing. As someone who’s been through childhood abuse, this really gives hope and inspiration. :purple_heart: