From jessica-j-ward the loss of my health has been

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From jessica_j_ward: The loss of my health has been weighing heavy lately. I had a heart attack in March, just weeks before my 27th birthday. SCAD heart attacks target healthy women. It was brought on due to stress. I’m 27 & my husband and I were going to start trying to get pregnant but the doctors have said it’s not recommended as there’s too many unknowns with my heart now. I’ve started trauma therapy for the first time and have been working through this grief. @silentgarrett your music gives me hope. One of my favourite bands!! About 7 years ago, Garrett went barefoot to coffee with my hubby & I in Toronto after his set (we were late and missed the show) I’ll never forget that night. Garrett opened up about having Bipolar and my husband and him bonded that day over sharing in that. Life’s a uphill battle, but “this pain has a purpose” @silentplanetband

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@jessica_j_ward That had to be a terrifying experience. I am so glad that you are physically and mentally healing. I imagine you are grieving being able to start a family like you had hoped. It’s so painful to feel like you are losing a dream as well as your health at the same time. I"m so glad you got to spend time with Garrett and he and your husband were able to connect on such a deep level. He’s the best. Sending you love on this journey. - taylor

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