From koandapandala a little over a year ago i lost

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
From koandapandala: A little over a year ago I lost my dog Lexi who was the most rad Shiba Inu and pretty much my best friend for 9 years. I watched her struggle for months at the end and had to make the very difficult choice to let her go. I sobbed for days and still consistently find myself in tears when I think about her. I had a rough childhood, suffer ptsd and panic disorder, adhd and ocd, she was always there, comforting me through every panic attack or crisis, zero judgement, zero questions, only immense love. It is insane the impact an animal can have on your life. I will forever love and miss here and cherish wholeheartedly every moment I spent with her :heart: