From kylan jamz in 2020 i lost somebody very close

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From kylan.jamz: In 2020, I lost somebody very close to me to murder. She was one of the only people in my life at the time who helped motivate me to be a musician and to actively pursue my voice passionately. The anniversary of her death is coming up and it always gets hard around this time. It doesn’t hurt any less with each passing year - but somehow each time it comes around, I look back and think to myself “another year has passed and I’ve made it even further. She would want this for me.” and it helps me to keep moving. I miss you, Markie :heart::sunflower:

Love you guys, and I love @silentplanetband. Garrett has such a powerful voice, and I mean that even off the stage. Thank you & @silentgarrett for being a positive source :heart_hands:

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@heartsupport I almost have no words. Thank you so much, it means the absolute world. :heart:

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@kylan.jamz I’m truly sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend in such a tragic way. It’s heart-wrenching to think about the pain you’ve endured since then. The upcoming anniversary of her passing must bring a flood of emotions, as anniversaries tend to do. Grief doesn’t seem to follow a linear path; it’s more like a series of waves that ebb and flow.

It’s incredible to hear how much she meant to you - not just as a motivating force in your musical journey, but also as someone who genuinely touched your life. It’s touching how you’ve internalized her spirit, finding strength and determination in the thought that she would want you to keep pushing forward, even when the pain is heavy.

Your journey is a testament to your resilience. It’s understandable that each year brings a mix of emotions, yet you’re able to recognize the progress you’ve made. The fact that you’re channeling her memory into your passion for music is a beautiful way to honor her and to keep her spirit alive.

Remember, your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to lean on those who care about you. As you approach this anniversary, I hope you can find moments of comfort in the midst of the pain. Your journey is a tribute to the love and friendship you shared with Markie. :sunflower::heart:

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