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From letmefly777: Some injuries are permanent and whether we realize it or not it is indicitive that some realities that are dreamt may now never come to pass. This is sad, but the solution is that All Things Are Possible. They may or may not happen, but this is where hope is born.

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Thank you letmefly777 for sharing this. There is so much meaning in what you just said. In my life personally, nothing has been more difficult than grieving what could have been, the time lost, the opportunities taken because of painful or traumatic circumstances. We don’t just grieve things we knew, but also all the ones we wanted to be possible. In this context, hope becomes a strange process of active creation – between acknowledging what is, what could have been and what can be. Hard to not fall either in denial or depression if we tend to look either at the half-full glass, or half-empty. But there is harmony to find in between. And purpose. We may not decide and influence all of the experiences we go through, but we can surely try to transform them into something different and healing, each and every day.