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From litefoottx:

Im battling with losing my trans identity because I live in Texas where my rights are being stripped away as a trans. Every day I live in fear of losing who I really am to these bigots. If only I could live my true self without harm. Trans life’s matter!
Why shouldn’t mine?

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Hey there friend! :purple_heart:

First of all, I absolutely 100% agree that Trans lives do matter. This includes your life too! :transgender_flag:

However you choose to identify, whether publicly or hidden is totally valid. Bigotry has no place in this world and it’s up to us allies of the LGBTQ+ community to call them out. You are an amazing individual and deserve to live life the way you want! :hugs:

Sending love! TRANS LIVES MATTER!!!

So hard to feel like your freedom is out of your hands. It makes your voice feel small and your life feel out of control - like somehow someone else gets to decide for you what is right and wrong and who you get to be. And that is so hard - to be in a place of seeking deeper understanding and expression of who you are, and to feel you are making PROGRESS, only to be cut off and rerouted and said, “good luck figuring something else out” - it leaves you feeling marooned, lost, slighted, angry, hateful, hated…I think the word when I was listing those off that feels most deeply painful is lost - to have finally felt like you were finding your way and then someone just trash all of that progress…it is so disheartening. I’m sorry friend.

Your life absolutely matters, friend, despite these political matters that are affecting you and the trans community. It is absolutely awful to see how much ignorance and rejection of trans people is becoming more and more legion. It doesn’t matter the arguments behid - it is about rejecting people because of who they are, and that is not okay. I can only imagine how heartbreaking and painful it is for you to witness how things are changing, and how it’s impacting your own sense of freedom where you live. It must feel as if you are being put into a box, belittled as much as possible, and forced to exist in ways that others want you to be, while it simply goes against who you are at your core. It’s awful to feel like your daily life can be affected more and more by these ignorant decisions. That things that you naturally took for granted before - because they should be - are starting to be questioned more and more, reducing your own right to simply be. I am truly sorry that the state of things is so dark right now and so against what unconditional love should be. This is about your life and others lives, real matters and real suffering, and it should be so different. You should absolutely have the right to be your true self without having to worry about others judgment, and without having to worry about your own safety. You absolutely belong my friend and I’m proud of you for knowing who you are, and knowing that the shame should always be on the ones who are pointing fingers at others. You matter. You belong. You have worth and value in this world, and no one’s effort to combat this reality will ever change that truth.