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From lovelyblu77: …my son was hospitalized today for mental health reasons…he definitely deserves some encouragement!!
Hey lovelyblu77, thank you so much for letting us know here. I’m so very sorry to hear that your son has been hospitalized. Today must be such a heavy day for you and your family. However, the very fact that this decision has been taken also shows how much love, care and suport is present in the life of your son, which is fundamental when we are struggling. He is safe where he is right now, and as heartbreaking this situation must be for you as a parent, the environment he’s in will hopefully be a place for him to rest, refocus and heal. Sometimes putting everything else on pause and having the opportunity to be in a place where we are not expected to handle all the daily life stressors is really needed. There is no doubt that you are a good parent, and I hope you know that. The fact that you are present, also that you share today about what’s going on – it is obvious that you care so much, and that alone is such a precious gift. I’m thinking of you and your son today, wishing all the best and healing before anything else. <3